Before You Begin

Injury risk

You have to be injury free to complete an Assessment. Even if you are injury free and healthy, the tests themselves can cause injury, and care must be taken in implementing them, so please take care of yourself. We take no responsibility for any injuries or accidents that arise in relation to the content of this website.

We hope you remain injury free, but in the event that you do injure yourself, please Contact us. This is crucial to ensure the safety of The Test4Climbing tool for climbers.


You should be an experienced climber to ensure you know what you are doing and what this system is for. You should have at least one year of regular climbing experience as a minimum.

Assistance assisstance

While completing The Supreme Master Assessment, we advise you ask a friend or someone to supervise your tests in order to record reliable results. Some of the tests require measurements to be taken, and will be much easier with some outside help. Ideally, the person helping you will be reliable, helpful, involved, and meticulous, just like SpongeBob SquarePants ;-)


If you feel that your results might be unreliable, because of any injury, sickness, low fitness levels, or a long break in climbing, please refrain from performing the tests until you are fit and healthy.

This is not training

The Supreme Master Assessment is not training. The test exercises are not designed to create a training stimulus, body adaptations, or anabolic processes. The purpose of this system is to test a climber's abilities in the form of Key Performance Indicators and compare them with other climbers.


Some test exercises require proper technique to avoid injury or ensure accuracy of the result. These techniques will be highlighted in the testing procedure instructions, however, your primary goal is to PERFORM AS HARD AS POSSIBLE!
With this in mind, perfect technique may matter more or less depending on the exercise. Then, the two main principles to balance during testing are maintaining your health + avoiding injuries and PERFORMING AS HARD AS POSSIBLE! ;-)


If you input metric data please maintain this throughout the data entry and do not change to imperial for a single test and vice versa, if you use imperial measurements please avoid changing it to metric within a single test.